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in this fast-paced, hustle-bustle world

in this fast-paced, hustle-bustle world

Hook is everything. First impressions shape the experience. The beginning sets the tone. Just like how I used to feel hopeless if I woke up late—like my whole day was ruined before it even began. “Today isn’t perfect anymore.” At least, that’s what I once believed.

Then, I picked up Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. I started with the Introduction, and honestly? It felt slow. Page after page about some town called Roseto Valfortore. I kept thinking, Why do I need to know all this? What’s the point? But I kept reading, and by the end of those 12 pages—boom. It hit me. Insightful. Eye-opening. Now, I can’t wait to read the next chapter.

So why did I stick with it? Maybe because Malcolm Gladwell is a big name—the author of The Tipping Point and Blink, another international bestseller. I knew the payoff would be worth it. Or maybe it was my own commitment—I had already signed up for a daily reading challenge, so I had to finish it this month.

Or… maybe it was something else. Maybe I’ve just gotten too used to fast-paced content. Social media moves at lightning speed—scroll, like, next. Even hiring managers take only six or seven seconds to scan a CV. Everything is quick, instant. And in the process, I forgot how to slow down. How to enjoy the art of storytelling.

Because really, if Gladwell had just said, "Roseto is an outlier because almost no one under 65 has heart disease, thanks to their community culture."—End of story. That would’ve been… meh. No depth. No build-up. No impact.

But instead, he takes his time. He walks me through the migration of the Rosetans, dedicating two full pages to their journey from 1882 to 1896. He even includes a scene of Dr. Stewart Wolf talking to the mayor, laying the groundwork before hitting me with the key insight.

And it made me realize—maybe life works the same way. I can’t just skip to the result. I have to go through the story. Often, I'm so focused on the destination that I forget to enjoy the journey. Just like how festival preparations can be more fun than the festival itself (I think that’s from a song? Or a manga? Can’t remember).

So, maybe the lesson here is to slow down. Breathe. Be present. Live in the moment. Especially in this fast-paced, hustle-bustle world—I need to remember that not everything is meant to be rushed.


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