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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2023

Steps (Again)

In the hustle and bustle of chasing dreams, I found myself tangled in the web of big aspirations. Picture this: I want to be this famous, best-selling author, but reality check– you can't go from zero to hero overnight . It hit me like a ton of bricks, realizing the path to success involves building a reader fanbase, winning the trust of publishers, and oh, yeah, actually writing something that matters. Somewhere along the line, I got lost in the chaos. The joy of writing, the raw love for crafting words that once consumed me, started fading into the background . All the noise about making money, fulfilling daily needs, and achieving something grand took over. It's like I need my psychologist tap me again on the shoulder and say, "Hey, stop wasting energy on the colossal stuff. It's a step-by-step game." And so, I'm taking a breather. It's a gentle reminder to embrace the process, to rediscover that spark, and not let the grind steal the happiness from wha...


Alright, buckle up for my little tale of tackling life one moment at a time. So, there I am, staring at this idea of long-term planning, feeling like I'm supposed to have my whole life mapped out. But let's be honest, life's more like a crazy rollercoaster than a neatly laid-out road. So, I decided to ditch the marathon and embrace the sprint, well, more like a leisurely stroll for now. So, the plan? Day-to-day, maybe even hour-to-hour. It's like jotting down the random thoughts bouncing in my head, a brain dump if you will. It's wild how freeing it is to not stress about the grand plan. I mean, remember when we were babies? We didn't just pop up and start running marathons; we crawled, stumbled, and eventually took those wobbly first steps. That's my vibe right now – the messy, beautiful process of figuring things out. Sure, it might not be the textbook "ideal" way, but who's to say what's ideal anyway? Life's messy, and I'm here f...