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I wish I just need to walk to my workplace

First, I have spent most of my life working long hours away from home. My residence is 10 kilometers from my high school. That meant that I had to travel 20 kilometers each day back then. However, my case doesn't seem out of the ordinary. Many of my college acquaintances attended high school in cities other than their hometowns. Especially those who attended high school in Jakarta, Indonesia's capital; many live in nearby cities or regencies to Jakarta, e.g., Bekasi. I won't discuss the education disparity in Indonesia, which is so deficient that my friends have to attend school outside of town--we can go into greater detail on that subject later. Indeed, I'm OK with commuting, referring to my experiences studying in Ibaraki and living in Minami-suita. But only when public transit is good, and there are no traffic jams. When I lived in Osaka, it took me thirty minutes to travel to the university. Even so, I could read books and finish my daily Qur'an recitation targ...

Aratemeru VS Naosu VS Tadasu

Sedang belajar bahasa Jepang dan menemukan contoh kalimat dari JLPT Sensei • 悪い生活習慣を 改めない 限り、健康にはなれない」 • Warui seikatsu shuukan o aratamenai kagiri, kenkou niwa narenai • As long as you don't fix your bad lifestyle habits you will not be able to get healthy. Jadi kepikiran, apakah 改める/ aratameru  adalah satu-satunya bahasa Jepang untuk kata "fix"? Ternyata, ada 直す/ naosu  dan 正す/ tadasu  juga! Tapi, apa bedanya, ya? Akhirnya ketemu jawabannya di HiNative ! Tapi karena jawabannya pakai bahasa Jepang, aku terjemahkan dan taruh di sini supaya tidak lupa! 「改める」は、「規則を改める」「態度を改める」のように、今までとは違う新しい状態に変えることです。古いものを新しくしたり、悪い点を良い方に変えたりします。 ' Aratameru ' berarti mengubah sesuatu menjadi keadaan baru yang berbeda dari sebelumnya, seperti "mengubah aturan" ( kisoku o aratameru)  atau "mengubah sikap seseorang" ( taido o aratameru) . ' Aratameru ' digunakan saat sesuatu yang lama berubah menjadi baru, atau saat sesuatu yang buruk berubah menjadi lebi...

Bathing Habit: Japan and Indonesia Comparison

Written by Zahra Annisa Fitri ( 81822200028) for Ritsumeikan University PBL Program's Cross Cultural Encounters course     Introduction Bathing or showering is part of a human's daily routine to keep the body clean, with every country having its way of doing so. In my country, Indonesia, the traditional way, which is still common, is to scoop up the water in a plastic dipper named  gayung  and pour it over the body while standing on the bathroom floor. A bathtub is not as common as  gayung , but Indonesian people are still familiar with it, though not every household has it. Thus, I am delighted to have a bathtub in my shared house and easily find bathtubs in Japan's hotels. But, the Japanese are also familiar with bathing together, and completely naked. I have known this culture, so I am not shocked. Still, no matter how much I love bathing (and trying something new), I can not try bathing together because it is considered embarrassing, especially in Indonesia....

Affirmative Program in Indonesia’s Education

  Written by Zahra Annisa Fitri ( 81822200028) for Ritsumeikan University PBL Program's Cross-Cultural Studies course Indonesia's diversity is something we are usually proud of. However, it also creates a disparity in educational access, generating gaps in participation among people of different economic and geographical backgrounds, whereas Indonesia's Constitution stipulates that every citizen has an equal right to acquire a good education. Therefore, the government must provide and execute an education system with equal access for every Indonesian citizen. However, a "discriminatory policy" named  affirmative action  still must be taken because current circumstances in Indonesia still show inequality in education participation. Affirmative action  refers to policies and programs created to foster social equality. Education is one of the common sectors that implement affirmative action. It is done through the preferential treatment of disadvantaged people. So, i...

Indonesia’s Church-State Relationship: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Comparison with Japan

Written by Zahra Annisa Fitri ( 81822200028) for Ritsumeikan University PBL Program's Constitutional Law course   Historically, many states closely aligned civil authorities with religious philosophy. Nearly all premodern societies' legitimate political power was established on divine origins 1 . The combination of theocracy and the absolute monarchy was loaded in emperor worship as a characteristic of ancient China, Egypt, and Japan. Religious institutions were considered integral to the state's constitution in the city-states of Greco-Roman in the ancient past. Also, religion is the basis of the classic law system in the Islamic world, with the leader as the sultan and caliph simultaneously. However, religious conflict was frequently equated with political disruption when spiritual and political rules were closely entangled. While certain minorities might be accepted to a limited extent, execution of religious conformity through the civil authorities' involvement and ...

Debate on Same-Sex Marriages

Written by Zahra Annisa Fitri ( 81822200028) for Ritsumeikan University PBL Program's Civil Law course Same-sex marriage is the marriage between partners of the same sex or gender identity—for instance, a marriage between two men or two women. Many countries regulate same-sex through law, religion, and custom. Nevertheless, the legal and social reactions have varied from celebration to criminalization. Proponents of same-sex marriage claim that same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional and discriminatory. There are some arguments supporting this stance. First, denying some people the option to marry would be discriminatory. Different-sex couples get benefits, such as rights and protections in federal law, such as family health coverage, granting tax, inheritance rights, and bereavement leave. They also get protection if the relationship ends, such as support for their spouse or child, custody of their children, and a proper property division. If same-sex couples are not recognize...

Integrasi Industri dalam Mendukung Perencanaan dan Manajemen Agrikultura (Studi Kasus: Indonesia, Jepang, Prancis)

  Integrasi Industri dalam Mendukung Perencanaan dan Manajemen Agrikultura (Studi Kasus: Indonesia, Jepang, Prancis)   Zahra Annisa Fitri 15419031 ditulis untuk pemenuhan tugas mata kuliah Sistem Inovasi Wilayah dan Kota   A.          PENDAHULUAN Diungkapkan oleh Dekan Fakultas Pertanian UGM Dr. Jamhari, pembangunan pertanian harus terintegrasi dengan agrobisnis dan bisnis-bisnis lainnya, seperti agrowisata (Agung, 2015). Hal ini dikarenakan tren agrobisnis akan terus meningkat, berbeda dengan tren agrikultur yang jika berdiri sendiri akan turun. Oleh sebab itu, pengelolaannya ke depan harus terintegrasi. Selain persoalan fokus yang tidak bisa jika hanya agrikultur saja, terdapat pula persoalan terabaikannya potensi agrikultur. Hal ini terjadi di Bali. Kegiatan yang terfokus pada sektor pariwisata disadari telah mengabaikan potensi dan peran sektor pertanian yang selama ini menjadi basis budaya dan kehidupan sebagian...